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Council Election 2024: Meet the Candidates and Their Vision for Our Community

Manningham Council Ward Boundaries Source: Manningham Council website

Table of Contents

Welcome to our special coverage of the 2024 council election.

Following the close of nominations on 17 September, 31 candidates stepped forward to contest the upcoming Manningham Council election. To provide you with more insight into the candidates running in your ward, we contacted all 31 candidates after their details were published on the Victorian Electoral Commission website. We asked them to introduce themselves to our community by answering five key questions: who they are, why they want to become a councillor, what they hope to achieve if elected, and whether they are affiliated with a political party.

In total, we received responses* from 13 candidates. Unfortunately, none of the five candidates running in Manna Ward responded to our request.

It’s also worth noting that in two wards—Tullamore and Yarra—a single candidate nominated, making the election uncontested. Voters in these wards will not be required to vote.

We hope the information shared by the candidates will help you make an informed decision. Please note that the candidates are presented in the order in which we received their submissions. Remember, voting closes at 6 pm on 25 October, and postal votes must be received by the Victorian Electoral Commission by noon on 1 November.

*Candidates' responses are published as received.

Bolin Ward

Geoff Gough - Candidate for Bolin Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
I grew up in Bulleen and moved to Templestowe Lower where I have continued to live and raise my family. I know this area very well and have experienced the changes over time from open fields to what we have today. Over the years I have been closely involved with community groups and sporting clubs. As a Mayor and Councillor of Manningham I have been integral to support and facilitate activities of community organisations, facilities and clubs.

Question 2 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I am running to continue to represent this area. I am passionate about the welfare of our area and want to continue working to make council serve you by representing your expectations, values and needs and not run off concentrating on agendas outside the real local government mandate.

Question 3 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
A well run accountable Council that listens to our community and deals openly, honestly and respectfully. A Council working with us and not just telling us. A Council that spends your hard earned rates wisely and on the real things that matter. A Council that build a safe and harmonious community that cares for all who are here. A Council delivering excellent infrastructure, maintenance, programs and services in a timely and courteous manner.

Question 4 - Are you a member of a political party?
Yes Liberal

Currawong Ward

Deepak Joshi - Candidate for Currawong Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
A former banker and a public servant, I am an entrepreneur and a social justice advocate. I have been a volunteer social worker for a number of years in providing settlement services and food relief to marginalised communities. I love living in our wonderful community, but as we all struggle with the cost-of-living and rental/housing crises, we need our council to do more to support our community.

Question 2 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I have been a community advocate for a number of years and decided to stand to make a more meaningful impact on decisions that affect the daily lives of local communities.

Question 3 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
If elected as a Councillor, I will prioritise: [1] advocating expansion of essential services that will assist in alleviating cost-of-living pressures such as maternal health, community childcare, libraries and recreation - like sporting facilities and playgrounds; [2] supporting better connected and more frequent public transport; [3] measures to bring down your power bills and take climate action through solar bulk-buying, including for renters; and [4] sustainable development that protects our green spaces and local heritage. 

Question 4 - Are you a member of a political party?
Yes. Australian Greens. 

Kelvin Lim - Candidate for Currawong Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
Originally from Malaysia and migrated to  Australia with my family. I have 3 teenage children. My family has been an integral part of the Manningham community for many years.
I  graduated with Bachelors of laws in 1993  and was admitted as a Barrister at Law, at Lincoln's Inn, London in 1994.
I am a lawyer by profession and have been practicing as a legal practitioner for over 25 years in Australia and overseas. I have served as a legal advisor for various non-profit organizations and provided community and pro bono legal services.
I am multilingual, dedicated, respectful and a team player.

Question 2 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I would like to contribute to the community more effectively. I believe I have the necessary experience, temperament and skill to be an ideal candidate.

Question 3 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
I have a few goals to achieve namely:
1.      Enhance transparency in financial management  and reduce financial leakages. Reduce current council rates  and other measures to alleviate cost of living
2.      Enhance community engagement. Better communication with marginalised community
3.      Promote business friendly measures; less red tape and reduce business permit
4.      Improve  public safety measures; better lighting and security cameras especially  at crime prone areas
5.      Promote balance and responsible development  in meeting housing  demand

Question 4 - Are you a member of a political party?
No. I am running as an independent candidate.

Manna Ward

We did not receive any responses from the candidates running in Manna Ward.

Ruffey Ward

Amanda Paliouras - Candidate for Ruffey Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
My name is Amanda Paliouras, and I am a local swimming instructor at Westerfolds Swim School on Swilk Street in Templestowe. I am 58 years old, a ratepayer for nearly 40 years, and living in Manningham since I was 14 years old. I enjoy teaching adults, children and little babies to swim.  I have over 40 years experience in finance in various sectors, over 20 years experience in the government sector, and was training to be a nurse before I was offered an opportunity to undertake public health research. I am also a postgraduate student, ready to apply for a professional doctorate (PhD) in Public health. I was being trained to be a registered nurse in our hospitals, however I felt that I could do more for people with public health policy in public office/ or elected.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
I am running in the Ruffey Ward, as I work across from Ruffey Lake walking trail. I spend most of my week at the swimming centre teaching our locals and shop for most things at the businesses in our area and regularly meet locals in and around  the ward. Please feel free to visit the swim centre and reach out to have a chat when I finish my swim shift.

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I want to become a councillor because I am interested in good governance, transparency and accountability in council and public office. I learnt about governance as an advocate for workers. I also help many locals navigate through Centrelink and other agencies when there is an unfair decision or injustice.Policy making and decisions by council impact everybody in every way in their lives. Whether it is a response to pandemics, health promotion, decisions on urban living, clean drinking water and proper drainage in council wards, public health is always a priority for our community. I also feel that our seniors are not supported as well as I would like to see happen, as our elders have come before us, contributed through work and family and helped build and shape Manningham.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
If elected, my key goals are:  (1)  to support and freeze council rates for at least 2 years and following years gradually reduce rates (2) to be transparent with ratepayers on how their money is being spent in all decision making with responsible spending (2) be visible and accessible to residents (3) to support and engage state government and local politicians to set up opportunities for employment in all sectors to provide better services and accessible and affordable local community health for all residents (4) value for money with revenue and expenditure (5) first always to focus on the priorities of people living in Manningham.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
I am not endorsed or currently active in any political party. However, my membership with the Liberal Party is about to lapse, and I had more than 30 years experience as a union delegate in workplaces. I believe that my exposure in politics from both sides of the major parties has shaped and enabled me to have a more diverse and inclusive perspective and appeal to the wider community with a better worldview. People come first, not political ideologies and vested interests by parties.

Stephen Brennan - Candidate for Ruffey Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
I have been actively involved in the local community for many years.
I was involved in the original Ruffey Lake Park Masterplan as well as all the subsequent RLP committees.  Other Council involvement includes the Open Space and Streetscape committee and currently the Liveable Places and Spaces committee.  
I have been on local kindergarten, primary and secondary school Councils. Involvement in local sporting clubs has led to two life memberships.
I am a dentist and have worked as a Community Relations Officer for the Australian Dental Association Victoria. I currently work as a Convenor for the Australian Dental Council.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Ruffey Ward

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
Given my extensive experience and many years of commitment to working with the community and Manningham Council, I believe I can make a positive contribution as a Manningham Councillor. 

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
With the pressure to increase the population in the Manningham activity centres, it is important that inappropriate development is prevented. Height limits must be in place and public transport adequate.  Our open spaces must be protected and maintained. 
I would like to increase the general capital works budget for our 24 Council kindergartens.
Our sporting clubs must be supported. The benefits of participating in sports are well documented.
Our diverse community with its rich multicultural history should be encouraged to participate in the many Council activities available. 

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
No political affiliation.

Dionne Dearman - Candidate for Ruffey Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
Briefly introduce yourself.:  My name is Dionne. I’ve lived in Manningham for 15 years with my husband and three children, who attend local public schools. Together, we run a small business in the area. I’m actively involved in the community, volunteering in aged care, on the Whitehorse Manningham Library Board, and at Templestowe Heights Primary School. I’m passionate about local issues and making a positive impact.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Ruffey Ward

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I’m passionate about building connections within the community and ensuring that people feel heard. Through my work on the Whitehorse Manningham Library Board, I’ve gained valuable experience working with local government and insight into the decision-making process. I want to use that experience to positively impact local issues and make meaningful decisions that benefit our community.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
Social Connection programs, Subsidised recreation and leisure programs, Mental wellbeing services, Upgrade and preservation of Wombat Bend Playspace and Finns Reserve, Efficient use of Council rates.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?

Schramm Ward

Dot Haynes - Candidate for Schramm Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
I am Dot Haynes OAM. In 2023 I was awarded the honor of my OAM for my local community volunteering. I see the needs of our community, I will come out of retirement to get Manningham the safety and parking help it needs for our residents and businesses. With a practical head on my shoulders, I have been fortunate to be successful in businesses and life. Being the youngest of 10 Children without a mother from the age of 6 and living in poverty. MY dads teachings and examples made me who I am today.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Schramm Ward

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
To get our residents the support they need from a Councillor who is available. As I am focused on getting results with the over $150M budget to be kept within the services and needs of our community and not spent on overseas lobbying for things that are not council matters. 

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
First priority is safety and security. With more lighting, CCTV, and for the council plan to reflect that our peace of mind when at home, on the pathways, in the parks, our shops and streets are places we can work, rest and play without fear. Also to ensure the services of our Aging and Vulnerable are not abused.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
NO. My focus is on all people and I can work with all parties and have proven that with my volunteering within our many community groups. I am the best candidate for the place I live and love our Schramm Ward. The courage of Integrity and my experiences make that clear!

Tullamore Ward

Voters in Tullamore Ward are not required to vote, as only one candidate, Deirdre Diamante, has nominated. If you’re signed up to the Victorian Electoral Commission's VoterAlert service, you would have received an email and a text message from them in late September, informing you of this.

Waldau Ward

Anna Chen - Candidate for Waldau Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
I am a lawyer.  A volunteer solicitor at the Eastern Community Legal Centre, and a volunteer at Neighbourhood Watch.
I am a Waldau Ward Councillor between 2020 and 2024 seeking re-election.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Waldau Ward.  I have lived in Waldau Ward for over 23 years and understand local issues and concerns.

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
To be a trusted and independent voice for the community and positively influence the future direction and outcome for Manningham.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
*Public Safety and crime prevention measures.
*Footpath/Roads/Drains infrastructures
*Youth employment, youth/young family activities
*Parks, Outdoor Exercise Equipment
*Active and healthy ageing, reduce social isolation
*Better bus services, new bus routes
*Community arts & cultural events
*Efficient budget management

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
I am not aligned with any political party.

Raymond Lai - Candidate for Waldau Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
My family have proudly called Manningham home since early 90. Over the years, and I firmly believe that my background and experiences uniquely position me to contribute positively to our council. I work as an IT Consultant for over 30 years, experienced in communication and working with people all over the world, learned to work effectively with different nationalities and cultures. A thriving, sustainable communities require councillors with a diverse range of skills and abilities, people from different backgrounds and ages. People like me can bring fresh ideas, and passionate about making a real difference to our Manningham community.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Waldau Ward

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
Beside more open and efficiency, I want our Manningham Council putting our residents and business owners first for every decision make, bringing Council decision-making into the heart of the community. I will serve all members of our community with honesty and openness.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
My top priority will be seeking out opportunities to freeze or minimize council rate increases. With the increase in high-density living, I will champion the creation of more Community Gardens, offering residents in apartments and units a chance to engage with nature and grow their own produce. I will support smarter, medium-sized developments that enhance our city without compromising its character. My vision for Manningham is an open and efficient council that listens, and acts on the issues that matter most to you. I am dedicated to serving without political affiliation, focusing solely on what is best for our community.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
No and will never become one.

Noha Aly - Candidate for Waldau Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
My name is Noha Aly, and I have been serving the Manningham community as a volunteer and art therapist for years. Helping others is a core value I inherited from my parents, who have always supported their neighbours and friends. My father often spoke about the close-knit, diverse community he grew up in Egypt, where neighbours lived like family. I am dedicated to building that same sense of unity here in Manningham. I am passionate about supporting our diverse community and ensuring future generations thrive together.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
I am running in the Waldau Ward.

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
After serving in nearly 20 roles in Manningham and Victoria, I feel it is time to take this step further. As a migrant who moved here with just my husband and three children, I have personally experienced the challenges of settling in a new country, a place I now proudly call home. Being a representative in multiple multicultural organisations, I bring a wealth of lived experience and a deep passion for helping others. I am determined to be a strong voice for inclusivity, safety, and support, ensuring Manningham remains a thriving community where everyone feels they truly belong.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
My main priorities include foster a safer community, support local businesses to thrive, and address the unique challenges faced by migrants. Moreover, I am committed to improving both physical and mental health services, protecting our environment, prioritising care for families and seniors, and ensuring responsible financial management, so that we can continue to build a brighter, healthier future for everyone in Manningham.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
No, I am not a member of a political party.

Westerfolds Ward

Michelle Kleinert - Candidate for Westerfolds Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
Michelle Kleinert OAM is your dedicated councillor for the Westerfolds Ward, proudly residing in Templestowe. With a wealth of experience as a two-time Mayor, I’m known for my approachable nature and willingness to engage with residents—whether at the supermarket or a local café. My leadership roles on various boards and peak bodies have given me a deep understanding of local government responsibilities. I am outcome driven and get results.  Many of these achievements being honoured with an OAM award, reflecting my community service. Your voice matters, and I’m here to continue listening and supporting you!

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Where I live, Westerfolds.

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I remain committed to local issues, prioritizing our community’s needs over state or federal politics. With a proven track record of connecting with a diverse community, I effectively manage financial responsibility, particularly in light of cost shifting from the state government. I am dedicated to continuing the focus on essential services that matter most to residents, ensuring our community thrives.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
If re-elected, I will remain focused on the well-being of our community by addressing key local issues. I’m committed to strengthening community connections, enhancing infrastructure, including footpaths and drainage, and ensuring environmental protection through sensible development. Transparency and accountability in decision-making will remain central to my leadership, as I work to implement initiatives that make a meaningful difference in the daily lives of Manningham residents.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
Liberal Party. 

Dean Greguric - Candidate for Westerfolds Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
I am a 58 yo university educated man who runs a little one person business in the new energy and mobility sector, I fix mobility scooters, ebikes and batteries.  Previously Chair of Melbourne Electric Vehicle Group, Education Officer at Flinders University, co-founder of a Peace Group in Adelaide, founder of Australia's first Vegan Organic Foodtruck in 1996, deejay, bike rider, sole parent, renter.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
Westerfolds in Manningham Council.

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
I have a healthy interest in politics and community issues.Committed to making Manningham more liveable.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
*Maintaining and extending green space while encouraging greater housing density.
*Better transport options that don't rely 100% on the private motor car, residents need to be able to move by bus, bike and mobility scooter more easily.
*Greater community access to councillors.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?

Isabella Eltaha - Candidate for Westerfolds Ward

Question 1 - Briefly introduce yourself.
I’ve lived in Manningham since my husband and I chose this area to raise our family many years ago, given its abundant parks, safe environment, local shops, wide range of sports clubs and great schools. We have never second guessed this choice. As a mum to three kids, my world revolves around local living and Manningham makes that a joy!

My professional background is a Senior Corporate Finance and Investment Manager (BCom/BA – The University of Melbourne) and I have spent my career optimising the strategic and financial plans for a wide range of Australian businesses across various industries and business sizes.

Question 2 - Which ward are you running in?
I am running in Westerfolds Ward, broadly encompassing Templestowe, because this is the place where me and my family spend much of our leisure time. We spend our time together enjoying the many amazing parks and playgrounds Westerfolds Ward offers, soaking up the natural beauty of the area. We are regulars at The Pines given it has everything we need day-to-day, love the bustling atmosphere of Templestowe Village and the great eateries at Newman's Local.

Question 3 - Why do you want to become a councillor?
To utilise my professional financial management background, combined with my passion for our local area, to progress conditions for our community’s residents and small business owners. Having implemented financial and strategic plans for many prominent Australian businesses, I have the capability and know-how to successfully optimise outcomes for our neighbourhood’s households and local shops. Furthermore, as a mum, I’m driven by a desire to protect and enhance where we live now and for the future. If entrusted as your Councillor, I’ll work hard to ensure Manningham further becomes a place we are blessed to call home.

Question 4 - If elected, what key goals do you aim to achieve?
*Improve the financial effectiveness of Manningham Council to benefit residents and small business owners by lowering charges and utilising the excessive $60m+ cash balance, providing relief given the cost-of-living crisis.
*Introduce free personal finance workshops.
*Preserve our unparalleled parks and improve sanitation facilities.
*Protect and enhance our local area by scrutinising development, prioritising a rail line and improving our walkways for enhanced safety.
*Create a recreation / school-holiday facility.
*Ensure members of our community facing hardship receive real care.
*Support local small businesses by promoting them, enhancing facades / amenities, managing parking and addressing theft.

Question 5 - Are you a member of a political party?
I’m not a member of, have never been a member of, and am not affiliated with any political party. I am running as a fully independent candidate that is entirely community-led, driven by a passion for wanting to use my professional experience to positively impact Manningham’s communities. 

Yarra Ward

Voters in Yarra Ward are not required to vote, as only one candidate, Carli Lange, has nominated. If you’re signed up to the Victorian Electoral Commission's VoterAlert service, you would have received an email and a text message from them in late September, informing you of this.

