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Source: Manningham Neighbourhood Watch E-News March 2024

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On 21 March, the Crime Statistics Agency (CSA) released the crime information for Victoria to the end of 2023. The criminal incident rate for Victoria rose by 7.8% compared with the rate for 2022. More importantly, that rate for Manningham rose by more than 28% over the same period (see the table above).

There is a wealth of information on crime in Manningham available from the CSA website Some of the standout figures from the recent report regarding our area include:

  • The number of Theft from Motor Vehicle incidents reported in 2023 were 531 compared with 343 in the previous year. That is a 55% increase.
  • Residential burglary incidents were up by 59%, rising from 262 to 417.
  • Shoplifting (steal from store) incidents rose from 189 in 2023 to 302 in 2024 (60%).There are limitations to the actions that the general public can take to reduce shoplifting incidents. All we can do if we see somebody shoplifting is to report these incidents to the store management. It is strongly recommended that we don’t try to prevent the criminals from taking the items in the store because there is a risk of the Good Samaritan being hurt.However, residential burglaries and thefts from motor vehicles are the long-standing targets of NHW and its activities. These crimes can be discoursaged by use of the standard security measures such as properly locking the doors and windows of our homes and cars. Additional measures such as sensor lights can be used to enhance the basic security measures.There is obviously a considerable amount of work required from Manningham NHW to encourage members of our community to enhance their own security.
