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Neighbourhood Watch 101 - A Beginner's Guide

NHW volunteers change number plate screws at a Safe Plate Day

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Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) has been supporting the work of the Police in reducing crime in Manningham for nearly 40 years. Perhaps it is time to go back to basics and explain the background to NHW.

What is Neighbourhood Watch?
• NHW is a community based crime prevention program. It aims to reduce the incidence of preventable crime and provide a safer community.
• NHW is a proven partnership of Police and community working together to reduce crime. The program was introduced in Victoria in 1983 to assist the Victoria Police to effectively reduce the crime rate. (It started in Manningham in 1985.)

The Basic Reason for Neighbourhood Watch
• There are about 18,000 Police Officers in Victoria and they can’t be everywhere.
• There are over 4 million adults in Victoria and we are everywhere.
• NHW works to educate the public to prevent crime and if they see something suspicious, to report crime.

The Three Key Principles of Neighbourhood Watch
• Secure your own home, car and other belongings to reduce the opportunities for them to be stolen.
• Stay in contact with your neighbours and keep an eye on their home and their welfare generally.
• If you something suspicious, ring Triple Zero (000) immediately.

Neighbourhood Watch in Manningham
You could join the nearly 700 volunteers in our NHW. Some of the things you could do include:
• Deliver newsletters to the houses in your area.
• Help at community events with distributing brochures on home security and crime prevention.
• Assist with crime prevention activities such as installing theft-resistant screws in number plates.

Get more information at: or Tel: 9850 7462
