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The launch of Operation Trinity - combatting the rise of aggravated burglaries and car thefts in Manningham

Photo by Nathan Dumlao / Unsplash

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In the recent years, there has been an increase in the number of burglaries across Melbourne, with children and youth being the primary offenders.

The young thieves are known for sneaking into unlocked homes during the early hours of the morning, while homeowners are sleeping, meaning people are waking up unable to find their car keys, and realising their vehicle has been stolen.

 In order to combat this issue, Victoria Police have been targeting burglars and car thieves each night, since the launch of Operation Trinity in March 2023. This well-resourced policing operation has meant there has been an additional 70 Police including Dog Squad, Public Order Response and Air Wing rostered on each night, on top of existing patrols.

As a result of this operation, it has meant that Police have successfully made over 1400 arrests in the past 12 months, equating to almost four arrests per day.

 Moving forward, it is important for homeowners to keep themselves safe. Ensure all doors and windows are securely locked and keep car keys and valuables away from windows where they may be seen by opportunistic thieves. 

 If ever confronted or in danger, do not confront the intruder. Get to safety and call Triple Zero (000) for immediate Police assistance, or for non-emergencies, call the Police Assistance Line on 131 444.
